$2,000 a month for FREE until Covid-19 is officially over. Sounds great just send me a check, right? Nearly every American is affected by Covid-19 in some form or fashion. Millions have lost their jobs, face mounting bills, not to mention the stress of still waiting on the unemployment help the Government promised. For those physically affected by the virus, it puts them in a different mindset altogether and rightly so. They've lost their job, their family member is sick or even died because of it. The last thing on their mind is work or bills. I know that mindset reality when life is turned upside down, to hell with everything else, which is how I felt after losing my 12-year-old brother in October 2002. Thankfully, others were still level-headed and taking care of life around us. That is one thing about society, there will always be people to watch over us while we are taking care of more important matters. Think of it as a shepherd tending after his flock. While one is sick and he cares about it, there are still 99 others that need tending. Thousands affected physically and millions economically. Those who have not, continue to work and carry the weight of others. This is where the shepherd mindset comes in and pays attention to those in power that are looking to take full advantage of the crisis. When you've heard politicians in the past say "never let a good crisis go to waste" you tend to pay attention to what they are doing during these times regardless of what letter stands behind their name in politics. Our unemployment according to the Labor Department is 14.7%. To put this in perspective, the lowest point during the Great Depression was 15 million Americans unemployed. Reports say nearly 23 million have lost jobs due to the economic shutdown. It is scary as hell to lose your job and not know how you're going to pay your bills. I've been there during our last economic crisis in 2008. The Government just passed the CARES Act, which gave nearly every taxpayer a check for $1,200, which is $2,400 for married, with an extra $500 per dependent. They are also giving an extra $600 on top of state unemployment benefits. So, if your state gives $500 a week plus $600 from the Federal Government then that's a total of $1,100 a week for unemployment. At $2,200 every two weeks, that is more than I make and just shy of what my husband makes a month working as an MS State employee. There are stories about employees being pissed because their boss got the SBA loans, so they can pay them and keep their small business open. You may ask, why are they pissed about that? Well, they're making more on unemployment, so they see it as being robbed of income. Now for those in MS, it's a different story since this weekly pay is much less. My friends want to work and earn their paycheck to pay their bills. Most of all, they want to save their small business that they worked their ass off to build. These are the people I have the most empathy. Now politicians want to pass another bill that gives single Americans earning less than $120,000 a year, a monthly check for $2,000. Married would get $4,000 a month and those with children would get an extra $2,000 for each child up to three. Let's do that math at three children, $4,000 for parents, $6,000 for three kids, which now becomes $10,000 a month income. In 2019, there were an estimated 7 million families with three children in the US. That would be 70 billion dollars for just one month and doesn't include single or married people. The rational person can't help to see this as more than helping, but rather changing the mindset of hard-working Americans. Some have pushed for a more socialist style of Government since I started paying attention over 10 years ago. I'm sure these thoughts will ruffle more than a few feathers, but I ask that you step back and think through this logically for a second. How can we sustain this as a Country? I think the even bigger question is, how does America, ultimately the taxpayer, pay for it? Paying people $10,000 a month is not the answer. We need to get businesses open again, so that people can get back to work. If they pay people to stay home then they've won at creating a crippling welfare system and changed the mindset of people who have always worked. This is why we must keep a level head about the state we are in, otherwise America will no longer be as we know her today.
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