About Us
The word Tour naturally makes us think of the military. They sacrifice much to protect and defend our country. Spending countless hours away from family for months or years at a time. They even make the ultimate sacrifice of life to save their brother or sister on the battlefield.
Have you ever stopped to think about your local community heroes? These are law enforcement, EMS, firefighters, and even our non-profits. Each group has an innate sense of purpose to serve others whether it be to defend Country or protect and save within the community. This is why we say “Behind every Tour of service are many Faces”.
In recent years, we’ve seen our Country become divided because of political agendas and lack of compassion within society. Our hometown heroes who serve and protect our communities are under attack, even hated by some. It seems the only time we are united is when disaster happens. We should not allow our humanity and compassion for others to be erased by a few who do not feel the same.
Our desire is to raise awareness and eventually be able to financially support our local groups. As we're just starting out we cannot do everything we want. Our philosophy is, no matter how small our help may be now, it is still a step nonetheless. Every dream has to start somewhere, so let’s work together to be our Brother and Sisters Keeper.